Veiled in Sadness embarks on the retelling of a man desperate to confess his love to a woman he has admired from a distance. Sadly, when she finally appears she is draped in a beautiful wedding gown of white and surrounded by the ringing call of a nightingale. The pain of this unrequited love, a love that was never given the possibility of blooming is a very common hurt that many feel today. The world now is so instant and difficult to navigate without feeling that a wrong turn has been taken or an interaction has *failed* because you somehow weren’t prepared for even a simple situation. This piece is about the consequences of succumbing to those fears. Do not hide in those shadows. Do not let your dreams be married off before you even let yourself chase them.

- Josh Gibson

Veiled In Sadness


For Baritone & PIano

Duration: 3-4’

Year of Composition: 2024

Text by Josh Gibson


Premiere - January 2024

SNATS Art Song Showcase

Josh Gibson, Baritone

Danial Sheibani, Piano

Walter Hall, Toronto, Canada