Written for the Standing Wave Ensemble as part of Compocon 2023, “Trepidation Lake” explores the idea of how fear and anxiety seep into our lives in times of stress and overwhelming pressure. It shows this through disjunct and sporadic entrances to controlled chaotic gestures that appear out of content states.

Trepidation Lake


For Chamber Ensemble/Pierrot Sextet

fl, cl (B cl), vln, vc, perc, pno

Duration: 8-10’

Year of Composition: 2023


Premiere - Feburary 2024

The Standing Wave Ensemble

Christie Reside, Flute

AK Coope, Clarinet

Rebecca Whitling, Violin

Peggy Lee, Cello

Vern Griffiths, Percussion

Allen Stiles, Piano

The Annex, Vancouver, Canada