Written for the composition program at the Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance, HOPE: In Threads gives the listener a feeling of the darkness that has unraveled in Iran. Since September 2022, the Iranian government has gone on a rampage, murdering the country's prodigious minds and causing a sizeable decline in protests, culture, and religion. As an Iranian who participated in the protests alongside tens of thousands of others, I was struck with these waves of emotion as I realized the immense passion, rage, and hope in all Iranian people at this time.

HOPE: In Threads


For Bass Clarinet & String Quartet

Duration: 14-18’

Year of Composition: 2023


Premiere - June 24th, 2023

The Verona Quartet, Margali Grenier, Milo Pomerance, Heather O'Gara

Sarah K. Watts, conductor

The Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance, NS, Canada